Metacognition according to Marshmellows

You have heard about the marshmallow test right? Check it out here: I read an interesting yesterday that dug into the science of self-control. As a student, a pastor and a future parent this was fascinating to me.  Below is an excerpt of the article. Psychologists assumed that children’s ability to wait depended on howContinue reading “Metacognition according to Marshmellows”

Locus of Control

In May 2009, I begun my MDiv at Andrews. I came  excited, expectant and full of optimism. I battled classes from Aleph through to Omega. From Mabul to Timelessness. I was stretched beyond my physical, emotional capacities at times. But I had great friends, professors, and I didn’t snap. 107 credit hours, and by theContinue reading “Locus of Control”

The Secret Secret to Success in the Christian Life

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Floyd Patterson, nicknamed the Gentleman of Boxing, was the youngest man to ever win the American Heavyweight Boxing Championship. In a recent interview with boxing historian, Bert Sugar, Patterson was reminded by Mr. Sugar that he had been knocked down more than any other boxer in history. The great boxer humbly replied, “Yes, but I got up more times than anyone.”

He didn’t win the championship by not falling down; he won the championship by getting up.

And so it is for the Christian. The single secret to succeeding in the Christian walk is to keep getting up. Solomon understood this point, and articulated it with typical accuracy in Proverbs 24:16, “For a just man falls seven times, and rises up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.”

via David Asscherick

Unrealized Potential.

Max DePree writes that unrealized potential is a sin—a very serious sin. It is the tragedy of the unopened gift, and the impoverished receiver. I bumped into a friend as I revised for a mid-term this week and we started talking about school work etc etc. The subject turned to notes, and she told me thatContinue reading “Unrealized Potential.”

State of your Union

Two nights ago Obama delivered the State of the Union address. Hearing the speech was novel for me as a Non-American, but I was  captivated by the oratory of Obama. After his speech Indiana Republican Governor Mitch Daniels responded on behalf of the GOP. He accused Obama of having a serious lack of political integration.Obama wasContinue reading “State of your Union”

Este ou Aquele

I had wonderful Sabbath yesterday. I went to PMC and Dwight Nelson preached a very challenging message, you can check it our here:  “Of Perfume and Tears and Grumpy Old Men”. Afterwards I went to a Brazilian potluck with my wife. We lined up, and right at the end of the table was some kindContinue reading “Este ou Aquele”

What I hate more than Tests

Yesterday I took a Hebrew test so that I could pass out, and not take the class this semester. I missed it by 4 questions. So after studying and memorizing, I fell short. Like most people I dislike tests, and the only thing I dislike more than tests are failing them. Tests need not be aContinue reading “What I hate more than Tests”

Self Enemy

I am currently studying for a Hebrew Qualifying Exam so that I don’t have to take the class. It’s tough going. I have to review, vocab, nouns, verbs, syntax, morphology. So sometimes I just don’t do it. Instead I blog (“,) tweet, read, eat, anything but Hebrew. Of course it is an 800-pound gorilla inContinue reading “Self Enemy”